Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I got a plank in my eye...

Our SS Lesson 9/7/08 came from Mathew 23:

"Woe to You, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For You clean the outside of the cup and of the plate, but inside they are full bf greed and selfindulgence."

Reminds me of the inside of my son's sippy cup after it sat in the car for a few days. It looks good, but boy will it give you stomach ache if you drink it. The idea that Jesus was trying to get across is that the real condition of our heart is what matters...not the outward show of religion, spirituality, or church-i-ness. I think I'm making up words, but you know...

It's amazing how easy it is to simply talk about Christianity. It is another thing to genuinely live it out. Is this a problem you share? How do you work to overcome it? Prayer and contemplation should yield true change in our hearts that becomes evident in our actions. It's like the really nice looking fruit tree that fails to produce fruit. What's the point?

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