Friday, October 17, 2008

Islamist...not terrorist...notes from ASH...

I went to the lecture by Dr. Esposito, a renowned religious/political analyst at Samford University on Thursday Oct. 9. Title of the lecture "Is Terrorism Ever Allowed In Islam?"

Short answer: No...

However, all of the negative stereotyping and media hype about the "bad" Muslims put a different view in our heads...Nothing of the good between the Muslims and Christians is ever publicized highly in the media...THEREFORE, see this web site: - it is a documented compilation of the Muslim and Christian community and both of their views on things going on in the world and the response from each denomination. Click on the left hand side to see the agreement made between the religions and the responses of Christians and Jews to this.

There can be religious interrelation...there can be tolerance...there can be love and understanding... IF ONLY THE MEDIA would help portray those things...

If you want to talk to me about the lecture and what was said about terrorism and the use of the excuse of "a war for the people on 'God's' side" I would be glad to share my notes. Maybe I will type them out one day and send another email...Maybe.

until then-

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Freedom of Expression

On Sunday, Andy brought up a situation in which an employee might be stopped from adding scripture versus to the bottom of her e-mail communications. Is this right? Would it have been o.k. to have "intellectual ideas" from Gandhi or Buddha?

Greg said he was told he had to remove his Bible from the top of his desk. Is this religious persecution or sensitivity to your fellow man?

Your thoughts...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What's Going on With God and the Economy?

This is so stressful, this time we are living in. I can't help but watch CNN like what's happening is going to change what I eat for lunch...or if I can pay for it. I'm watching the DOW like it's the speedometer on my life...the EURO like its up or down movement will make me content or send me into a tail spin. This isn't right. I'm a Christian for God's sakes... Say a prayer, believe that He's in control. It's supposed to make everything o.k. People are calling asking for food to feed their families...what about my family? I'm worried about loosing my health care coverage...we have (in a biblical-neighbor sense) brothers, sisters, and friends in war zones and developing countries who don't have medicine, food, or a Walmart to buy them in...

So how do we slow down, back up, and let our God get a grip on our emotions day to day?